I Am A Teacher

I am a counselor and psychologist to a problem-filled child,
I am a police officer that controls a child gone wild.

I am a travel agent scheduling our trips for the year,
I am a confidante that wipes a crying child's tear.

I am a banker collecting money for a ton of different things,
I am a librarian showing adventures that a storybook brings.

I am a custodian that has to clean certain little messes,
I am a psychic that learns to know all that everybody only guesses.

I am a photographer keeping pictures of a child's yearly growth,
When mother and father are gone for the day, I become both.

I am a doctor that detects when a child is feeling sick,
I am a politician that must know the laws and recognize a trick.

I am a party planner for holidays to celebrate with all,
I am a decorator of a room, filling every wall.

I am a news reporter updating on our nation's current events,
I am a detective solving small mysteries and ending all suspense.

I am a clown and comedian that makes the children laugh,
I am a dietician assuring they have lunch or from mine I give them half.

When we seem to stray from values, I become a preacher,
But I'm proud to have to be these people because ...
I'm proud to say, "I am a teacher."

Stacy Bonino