Frequently Asked Questions
in Mrs. Nolte's room

Course Description

1.     What is Language Arts anyway?

We will study communication in its verbal and nonverbal forms.  I want you to become an active listener, an organized speaker, an expressive writer, and a group participant.

Course Content

2.     What are we going to study this year?

Grammar, Spelling, Writing, Speaking

3.     What exactly is “Grammar?”

Parts of Speech, complements, sentence structure, clauses, fragments, run-ons, phrases, verbals, capitalization, punctuation, word usage


4.     What do our textbooks look like?  Do we have to bring them every day?


5.     Along with our textbook and a positive attitude, what else do we need for class?

Spiral-bound notebook for journaling, a notebook or loose-leaf paper, 2 folders, pens/pencils (Red, Black, Blue)

6.     Can I use a pink or purple pen for my assignments?

NO! You will be required to complete assignments in black/blue pen, or pencil.  Also, you must have a red pen for correcting.

Beginning Class

7.     What should we do every day at the beginning of class?

Please be in your seat when the bell rings.  Have your journal open, and be ready to write.  Also, have your textbook, assignments, and pens/pencils ready.

8.     When am I considered TARDY?

If the bell has rung, and you are not in your seat, you will be counted tardy.  If this occurs 2 times, you will serve DETENTION for each tardy thereafter.

Ending Class

9.     What should we do when the bell rings at the end of class?

Do not gather your materials until you hear the bell ring.  You should use every minute of your work time.  Check your work area for any personal belongings or garbage.  

10. If I finish my assignment early, can I hang out at a friend’s desk or by the door?

NO!  Please stay in your seat until the bell rings.  Otherwise, we experience mass chaos!

11. What is the last thing I should do before I leave your classroom?



12. Can we talk whenever we want to?

Out of respect for the speaker (you or me) and in order to become expert communicators, only 1 person should talk at a time.  I will let you know when it is “your” time to talk.

13. What do I do if I have a question?

Raise your hand and I will come to your desk.

Classroom Rules

14. What are your classroom rules?

Respect for yourself, Respect for others, and Respect for your school

Labeling Papers

15. What information do I need to include on every assignment before I hand it in?

Your name, Class-Hr, Assignment Name, Date

16. Where should I write this information?

In the upper right-hand corner of your paper.

Grading Scale

17. What is your grading scale?

It is posted at the front of the room for your convenience.

A                   94 % – 100 %

B       86% – 93%

C       73% - 85%

D       65% - 72%

F       64%

Make-Up Work

18. What do I do if I am absent from class?

You are responsible for getting notes, handouts, and assignments if you are gone.

Late Work

19. What is late work?

If you do not hand your assignment in when it is due, it is considered “late” and will be subject to our 8th grade assignment policy.

Seating Chart

20. Will there be a seating chart?

Yes, and it will be subject to change.

Returned Papers

21. When you hand papers back to me, can I throw them away?

NO! You should “file” all papers in a folder or in your locker.  They will come in handy when reviewing for quizzes and tests.  Most of your writing will be kept in your writing folder in my classroom.


22.  Will I have fun this year?

YES! Bring a positive attitude, a smile, and get ready for a great learning adventure.